Scientific Godism's Definition of Divine Light as UPE of action:

Scientific Godism's definition of DIVINE LIGHT as "UPE of action":

UPE of action (Light Divine)
" is an acronym meaning "Universal Prime Energy" of motion/action. This is the pre-existing state of all reality as pure energy. This energy is internal and subjective as compared to being external and objective. It is the core reservoir of all energy as Inner Total Energy of existence. Using the new standard model of Scientific Godism this prime energy exist as the Holy Spirit Presence of GOD our Heavenly Parents. 

UPE has dual Characteristics... meaning an internal aspect and a external aspect. The internal aspect is called "energy of the Godhead". It represents the energy presence of God as the Holy Spirit prior to creation or as the Thinking State in contrast to the Being State. Once activated the Godhead energy is called Divine Consciousness in action... meaning God is thinking as in the Holy Spirit presence of our Heavenly Parents. Prior to this thinking state we can consider God as simply resting or sleeping in a realm of absolute rest referred to in SG-O-TOE as  Paradise Isle or Pi. This is a "No- Boundary Singularity" Ozone, structured as three Ozone into Oneness?!


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