Chapter 1.4 The 1st Goal of Scientific Godism

The First Key Goal of SG-O-TOE:

Fig 1:An Overview of the Scientific Method in Search of Truth

 In the bible (John 10:30) Lord Jesus said: “I and the Father are One”. But 2000 years ago, Lord Jesus was crucified for this very statement because it contradicted the faith of the Israelites. Today’s Christianity, after years of suffering and bloodshed, gladly embraces the idea of Jesus being the living God on earth, but it is not a universal belief; also, those who embrace this idea, deny the possibility that we can all be like Jesus[1]. For this and other reasons, this world is divided when it comes to faith[2], while science is universally accepted as truth with many technological benefits towards creating a global village of humankind. Imagine if we could understand God, Man and the Universe in the same way as we understand Science and Engineering (see fig 1 & 2 ). This is the first key goal of SG-O-TOE:

" It seeks to clearly understand scientifically how everything could come from a zero-point energy representing empty space as nothingness."

Fig. 2: The Engineering Design Method as  Process of Creativity towards Appropriate Technology in Service to Humankind 

[1] Even though He said in Mt 21:21; 17:20 “What I have done you can do also, if you have faith…”

[2] We have a world of three multi-faiths when it comes to God: Atheist, Agnostic and Theist… all are divided with diverse views of reality and corresponding value-systems. The more people know God the closer their values resemble God's will. Our current conflicted society is a direct consequence of our ignorance regarding the truth of GOD I also cannot tell anyone that Godism is the best way, it is the best for me. But I believe each individual has to awaken to truth to take ownership of it, thus in section 1.5 I try to share my awakening with you.


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