Chapter 1.5.2 My Awakening and Break from Institutional Religion
1.5.2 My break from Institutional Religion:
In the 1970’s I had a series of spiritual experiences that began the
true awakening to who I really was… a child of God. In John 4:20 we are told
the following:
“If a man say I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he
that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath
not seen?”
This simple verse made me realize that modern religion did not know the true heart of GOD. Upon returning
to America in 1970 as a student of electrical engineering at Wayne State
University, I decided to seek out the truth of GOD outside of my traditional
faith. I studied different religions and mystic philosophies to understand
their view of GOD.
Suddenly I noticed that as I searched for God he too was reaching
out to me. My first spiritual experience was associated with an allergic
reaction to penicillin. After being treated with penicillin for an insect bit I
had my first near death experience. My body dropped to the ground in the
hospital moments after the injection, but suddenly I was awake in another body
looking at my physical body on the ground. This
experience and several others after that made me clearly realize that consciousness exist in a spiritual
body not the physical body. A second experience linked to cerebral
malaria taught me that human beings have spiritual
senses beyond the five physical senses.These two experiences served as my scientific evidence of life after death, so I was now 100% percent convinced that traditional religion did not know the true nature of God. While continuing my search for the Truth, I was blessed to returned to America in 1977 to pursue my graduate studies in Electrical Engineering in Boston,Massachusetts.
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