Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa
I. Prelude:
Date: Sept 6, 2020 (9-6-2020) or July 17 0008 according to CIG calendar
Updated October 27, 2021
Title: Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa
Author: God's Boy Child
Research Institute: True L.I.G.H.T. Institute (The True Love Institute of Godism's Heavenly Technology )
IA. Post note:
Wake up Liberia the Bridegroom has come!? Please read this completely to the end... for evidence... check biblical references, for example:
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Mt 6:33
IB. Completed Testament Age HDH Reading:
I thought of you when I read this quote from "Cheon Seong Gyeong: The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk" by Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han Moon, The Committee for the Compilation of True Parents' Teachings -
"When the Messiah comes to the people of Israel, if they unite with him with the determination to die for him and together with him, then Satan cannot pull them away no matter how hard he may try. Then individuals, families, tribes, peoples and nations will engraft and will be raised up at the same time. So there must be the principle of a chosen people in this world. Based on this people whom God chooses, He needs to form a nation. The existence of the term “chosen people” is itself evidence of God’s existence. From the perspective of this principle, a prophecy that the Messiah will be sent is evidence of God’s existence"
Start reading this book for free:
IC. Note from HDH:
Here, True Parent's words imply to me, three things automatically:
1. The existence of a chosen people automatically means the existence of a substantial Creator God. There direct faith and experience with Heavenly Parents empowers them as the Chosen People. Israel was firstly empowered on the National level, but failed to believe in Lord Jesus 2000 years ago. Christianity was secondly empowered on the Worldwide level, but failed to believe in Lord Moon. Today YOU can be thirdly empowered on the Cosmic level if you can accept the Blessing of True Parents and attend to them in their earthy Kingdom of Cheon-Il-guk.
2. It is the absolute faith, love, obedience, and wisdom (absolute f.l.o.w.) of the "Chosen People" in "the Completed Testament Age Messiah as the Word made flesh" which empowers the substantial establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth. Without such absolute f.l.o.w with the love of God through THEIR Anointed Physical Messiah, there can be no Kingdom of God on Earth.
3. It is these chosen people who become the first Resurrected Saints, Priest, and citizens of God's Kingdom Nation on Earth as the New Jerusalem from heaven (prophesied in Rev 21 and 22). In this way the bible talks about a symbolic "a cloud of witnesses " as the New Jerusalem Chosen People on Earth in Heb 12:2, and Mk 9:7
II. Abstract:
My Reflections on Liberia's future destiny for Africa were originally presented on the eve of the 8th Anniversary (2020) of our True Father's Ascension in 2012:
In this article we ( My Elder Brother Lord Jesus Christ and I God's Boy Child GBC) wish to introduce why we see Liberia as a nation of destiny for Africa. The bible introduces the concept of a "chosen nation" to mean a nation founded on core principles and groomed directly by the God of Heaven (our Heavenly Parents) for one purpose... to serve as a foundation stone of people capable of recognizing Heaven's Anointed savior when they appear on earth in the flesh (read Rev 21:1to 5). This event is prophesied to take place during the last days of Evil history...the literal end times of S.I.N. on earth! The expected traditions and history of this chosen nation was modeled via the history of Israel as the 1st Chosen nation of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This history is outline in the Holy Book as the Old Testament Age.
Upon the failure of Israel to recognize and accept Lord Jesus Christ as their Anointed Messiah, heaven extended its providential effort to save humankind, from a national-level providencial foundation to a world-level foundation (as in Babylon the Great of Rev 18) centered on a new concept of Chosen people. Instead of a chosen nation, heaven targeted the whole planet earth as a Chosen Planet to be saved by the Anointed Second Coming of Christ, symbolized in Rev 11:3,4 as "two witnesses from Heaven standing in front of the God of the Earth". In this article we shall review briefly this three stage global reconciliation process from the Af4ican or Liberian perspective.
III. Heaven's Three Stage Process of Global Restoration:
Using elements of Christian history outlined in the Holy Books as the New Testament Age history, we will strive to present our argument for Liberia's destiny as part of the group of nations chosen from a Cosmic level (meaning including our ancestor of old) to receive the Anointed Saviors in this 21st century. The bible in Rev 21 refers to this new group of nations as the "New Jerusalem decending out of Heaven". They are to serve as Bride Nations in waiting for Their Bridegroom from Central Heaven... meaning these nations will be like the ten virgins in waiting for their Lord (Mt 25 ).
Virgins here refers to the purity of such nations. They each need to be reborn as New True Absolute Nations dedicated to Cosmic Peace and Unification. Father Moon once referred to this group of nations as ABEL UN, in contrast to the current CAIN UN structure of the United Nations. From the West African perspective, Liberia has been a pioneer in the African Unification Process starting from the formative stage of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), to the current growth stage as the African Union (AU). It is our belief (Lord Jesus and I) that Heaven seeks the completion stage of this global Unification process through the rise of the United States of Africa (a New USA) in the image of the European Union (EU).
We seek to show that this final rebirth and resurrection process requires the restructuring of our current World Order of Nation-States. Thus in Rev 16:19 the fall of Nation-States as "Cities of Nations" was prophesied:
"And the great city (symbolizing the global nations after the fall of Communism) was divided into three parts [symbolizing the rise of three USAs as in a Tribunal UN structure linked to Americus (North and South United) , Africa and Europe (North and South United), and Asia (North and South United). These three USAs with arise centered on the Unity of North and South Korea as the Completed Testament Age Chosen Nation of GOD, centered on the Pacific Ocean not the Atlantic as in the Time of Lord Jesus], and the cities of the nations (symbolizing the END-TIMES of Nation-States on Earth, followed naturally by the rise of God's Global-State as the Eternal 1000 Year Kingship ofcHeavenly Parent on Earth mentioned in Rev 20:1-6): and great Babylon (symbolizing the new world order after the fall of Communism) came in remembrance before God, to give unto her (symbolizing Babylon the Great, God's object partner as a Bride Nation linked to Britian and America ) the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath (symbolizing the 7 great plaques from heaven meant to dissolve the former World Order "cities of Nations" prior to 2004 AD [1]... this is in order to clear the way for Heavenly Parents as the True Parents of Heaven, earth and humankind to restore the Garden of Ed3n on Earth as the "New Jerusalem Descent" of Heaven on Earth)." Rev 16:19
Is this not exactly what we are living through now as Covid-19 lockdown of 2020? For the rise of a new world order centered absolutely on Heavenly Parents and their SON the Christ (or Lamb of God), all Nation-States most be Reborn and Resurrected as Nations of absolute righteousness [2a]!!! For the New Heaven and New Earth has no space for RELATIVE GOODNESS, as in secular states centered only on Humanism and human rights! What about God's rights and the rights of His True Children?
This period of global Judgement is meant to seperate the GOOD from the EVIL with provision only for the GOOD to seed the new Garden of Eden on Earth. However these new chosen nations of people must first die to their old ways of S.I.N. (as in 'Selfish Individual Nature' ... linked to puting new wine into old wine skin), and be reborn with a new National Founding Spirit centered on the ideal of GODISM [2b].
For Liberia our process of rebirth and resurrection started from 1980 with the death of President William R. Tolbert (who was an ordean John the Baptist figure for the rebirth of Liberia) and the fall of our 1st Republic. Over the then pass 40 years (1980 to 2020) Heaven has been working for our rebirth through the following 3 stage process of resurrection:
1. The First New Formative stage:
The 2nd Republic centered on Sammuel K. Doe was the formation stage of this 3 stage process, with the new 2nd Republic serving as the formative state of our new democratic government. The 1st Republic die symbolically with the death of Tolbert as our Head of State. In 1985 the people of Liberia rewrote a new Constitution outlining their new expectations as the 2nd Republic of Liberia. This New Liberia was to be a SECULAR state (not one built on Christian Principles as the failed 1st Republic). In principle this meant it was to be neutral or TOLERANT towards both EVIL and GOODNESS. From the symbolic meaning found in the name of its 1st President, Samuel K. Doe, this 2nd Republic was to be under the "Dominion of Evil" for at least 10 years. This period was prophesied in our nation's history by William Harris as the D Tweh Prophesy [3].
2. The Second New Life Growth stage:
After the brutal death of our 2nd elected President Samuel K. DOE in 1990, the 2nd Republic was technically fired for not being responsive to the needs of the people. This showed our collective resolve and intolerance towards EVIL! However the history of our past 31 years (1990 to 2021) has shown LIBERIA as a NATION-STATE lacked ABSOLUTE GOOD LEADERSHIP [4]
So in retrospect, we then moved towards the 1st Resurrection of a 3rd Republic capable of being responsive to the will of the People for righteousness in leadership. The 1st President of this resurrected 3rd Republic was H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as the 1st female President of Africa and symbolic rebirth "Spacetime WOMB" for the rise of a New Africa (as the United States of Africa...A New USA). She (representing African womanhood) was mandated and given a 12 years pregnancy period to reborn and resurrect the 3rd Republic as a Nation of Destiny for Africa. Regrettably history shows she failed miserably in this Task, though she was praised on the world level with a Noble Peace [5].
The Liberian people had New Hope that the 3rd Republic would serve as a new life growth stage governance of our newly restructured democratic government. Therefore, in retrospect they opted for Restorative Justice as a mechanism for the peaceful Reconciliation of our nation's PAST as compared to Retributive Justice. The TRC (Truth and Reconcilation Commission) and GRC (Governance Reform Commission) were mandated by the survivors of our 3 stage 21 year civil conflict period (1979 to 2000) to implement this heavenly mandate. Yet as of today 2020 the conclusion of this mandate is still unfulfilled?!
3. The Third New Divine (CIG building ) Kingdom Building Stage:
Over the next 6 years until 2027 it is Heaven's Vision2027 for Liberia (as an ultimate mandate), that the 4th Republic of Liberia must rise out of the ashes of our 40 years of tribulation (1980 to 2020) as the heavenly form of government able to finally fulfill Liberia's Destiny for Africa. So as we reflect together with the world, during this period of Covid-9 global lockdown, it is Heaven's ultimate HOPE that this government (or the next-post election2022) of CDC, lead by H.E. George Weah, will finally fulfill Liberia's unfulfilled destiny for Africa. To assist in this process, I Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman a former member of the Liberian TRC have been Anointed by Lord Jesus Christ, and Appointed (along with others) by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and humankind as a Heavenly Tribal Messiah for Liberia.
This message marks the launching of our mission's activities, particularly through the local Universal Peace Federation of Liberia (UPF). Allow me to conclude by stating what liberia's ultimate destiny is for Africa.
VI. What Do We Mean by "Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa" :
We believe Liberia's ultimate destiny is to spearhead the birth of the United States of Africa (A NEW USA) as the final completion stage of a rebirth and resurrection process started here in the realm of Christopolis by Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit themselves as our Spiritual True Parents and direct founders of our nation...our National Messiah! It is Heaven's will that the current AU (African Union), which was originally planted on the West Coast (the Land of the Setting 🌞 SUN) in the soil of "Liberty In Africa" (Liberia) as the Organization of African Unity (OAU), be finally reborn as "the United States of Heavenly Africa" or Shin Africa. This rebirth was meant to take place through the "Cosmic Spacetime WOMB" of the "Only Begotten Daughter of God" (H.E. Dr Hak-ja Han Moon, Heaven's Cosmic Queen of Peace on Earth), and the True Bride of Heavenly Father on Earth, represented by His Avatar H.E. Rev Dr. SUN MYUNG MOON, and Heaven's Anointed Cosmic King of Peace on Earth.
Let us wake up Liberia and africa. The 21st century's Anointed Saviors from Heaven mentioned by Lord Jesus Christ in Rev 21, have clearly return as "the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind and the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace and Unity"... jointly represented by Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon (currently in Heaven as the "God the Father" to Lord Jesus as "God the Son"... All this is mentioned in I Cor 15:21-28) as the New Lamb of Heavenly Parents, and His Bride Dr Hak-ja Han Moon as the "Only Begotten Daughter of God" ... also representing the first physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit or victorious Bride of Christ. Together as Heavenly Parent's two witnesses, two olive trees or two candlesticks (Rev 11: 3,4) they (as our True Parents) are calling us as a nation of people to Step forward bravely as "the Nation of Destiny for Africa" and gather our unique race of people (those of negro descent) out of the Darkness of Night into the Light of Day as honarable members of the Heavenly Parent's Holy Community of Nations currently being assembled on Earth under the Banner of the Kingdom of Heaven on Planet Earth 🌎 as Cheon-Il-Guk. Aju.
VII. In Conclusion:
I Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman, God's Boy Child and Anointed Black Jesus of Africa thank you for listening. This is my inaugural peace message to Liberia and Africa. Our time of True liberation from Satan's captivity of death has finally come. From now the END OF SPIRITUAL DEATH has come! No one needs to die spiritual anymore, unless they truely have no faith as mentioned in Rev 20:6,14 and 21:7,8. And such people who refuse to be a part of the 1st Resurrection mentioned in Rev 20:5 are destined to share the symbolic "Lake of Fire" as the 2nd Death mentioned below in Rev 20: 14:
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life (as a reborn Tree of Life) was cast into the lake of fire" Rev 20:13 to 15
Love you all forever... God's Black Son :) GBC from Liberia, the Land of the Setting 🌞 SUN. Aju...
[1] This is exactly the internal goal and purpose of the Wrath of God (mentioned throughout the New Testament John 3:36, Rom 1:18, Rom 9:22, Eph 5:6, Rev 15 and 16). This Wrath is not Judgement from Heaven, instead it is the fruit of human interactions throughout history. We are the direct tabernacles of God, thus the qualities of our collective lifestyle (cultural norms and behavior) generates and conserved vitality elements (as Absolute sub atomic particles of energy... A-S.A.P.- energy) both Good and Evil. It is these Evil Vitality Elements (spiritually symbolized as E.V.E. in the bible) which have return to hunt us in these LAST DAYS as the Wrath of God. The list goes on as Climate change, Ozone layer depletion, global warming, Free Sex revolution, Gay movement, breakdown of families, single parenting, HIV Aides, Ebola even Covid-19 are all part of the Wrath of God. These plaques, along with both civil and environmental disorders, have been release to flush out Evil from this Physical Universe as a whole... like a 1st strike providence. They represent the historical Evils perpetrated by human beings since the beginning of our existence on Planet Earth. Only by flushing out such LIES in this public way can Heaven finally seperate humankind from our self created Dominion of Evil, allowing the building of a New Heaven and Earth!
[2a] Here the concept of ABSOLUTE GOODNESS differs from RELATIVE GOODNESS as does ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS. Sure, as a Nation-State we have many good people, but to rebuild a Nation-State in the image of God's ideal of righteousness requires ABSOLUTE GOODNESS not RELATIVE GOODNESS. Mrs Sirleaf was given a Noble Peace because her collective action (in the eyes of men) as the 1st female President of Africa was viewed as RELATIVELY GOOD. But in the eyes of heaven she failed her responsible for the rise of a New Africa
[2b] as Absolute Faith, Love, Obedience and Divine Wisdom!? It is this type of faith which the bible symbolized as the Flood Judgement of Noah's time. During Lord Jesus time the Holy Spirit Fire elements were used to Judge or cleanse our Past. In this Completed Testament Age as the Age of Aquarius, heaven plans to use the symbolism of the Holy Ghost or Cosmic Water elements to Judge and cleanse our Past. It is these quantum elements also called Vitality Elements that Science refers to as the DARKNESS of SPACETIME. They classify that as Dark Energy and Dark Matter all around us at different levels.
[3] Please refer to my blog on this topic
[4] same as [2]
[5] We (My True Parents, Lord Jesus and I) personally honour Mrs Sirleaf for her effort towards this humongous task of reborning Liberia as a "Nation of Destiny for Africa". Her failure came not from the lack of humanistic effort but the lack of a God-Centered Heart. I Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman, personally met her to discuss the future of Liberia from the perspective of Godism; however, she declined interest in our activities, but promised she would not hinder us in any way as the new Liberia was SECULAR... I interpreted that to mean tolerant of all Faith's even EVIL! It is this SECULAR nature of the "cities of nation" that has led to our current failure as Planet Earth. Our only grace is Heavenly Parent's love for us!
It saddens me that since 2020 when I first published this article on facebook no one has even commented on this. Love you all forever...