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My Christmas 2021 Message: Why Science Cannot Directly Observe the Existence of God

I. Prelude : Title : Scientific Godism's View of Reality Before the Big Bang Author : Amb Rev Dr Gerald B. Coleman,  G od's B oy C hild Research Institute : The True L ove I nstitute of G odism's H eavenly T echnology, True L.I.G.H.T. Institute Date : December 25, 2021 II. Abstract : Through the indepth study of Scientific Godism we shall discuss the reason modern science has difficulty conceptualizing the existence of God as the Source and Owner of Total UPE (Universal Prime Energy). The simplest answer to this research question is ignorance. Modern Science is ignorant [1] of God because they ignore the obvious [2] while searching for the unknown.  For more details please read ENDNOTES below... III. Background and Introduction : Scientific Godism as a New Theory of Everything has been developed to awaken humankind to the Divine Presence of God on earth as our Heavenly Parents. This Divine Presence was prophesied in Rev 21:1-8 as the 2nd Coming of Christ with Man in the ...


Wikipedia's definition of IGNORANT is as follows: "The word "ignorant" is an adjective that describes a person in the state of being unaware (here we can define unaware as being unconscious of certain reality simular to EGO-Consciousness), and can describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard (reference to Atheists) important information or facts, or individuals who are unaware of important information or facts (reference to Agnostics). Ignorance can appear in three different types: factual ignorance (absence of knowledge of some fact), object ignorance (unacquaintance with some object), and technical ignorance (absence of knowledge of how to do."

Scientific Godism's Definition of Mundane Light as Darkness or "UPE of Form" .

I  Scientific Godism's definition of DARKNESS as "UPE of form": " UPE of form" or Darkness  is an acronym used in the "Science of Godism" to refer to a fluid-like substance permeating the whole universe. The literal meaning of the acronym "UPE"  is " U niversal P rime E nergy". As stated earlier this energy has dual characteristics as an internal subjective component (Godhead) and an external objective component called Eternal Power. The "UPE of form" is the external aspect of God's energy presence existing naturally as pure darkness. This is the pre-existing state of all reality as pure energy of form or matter . This energy is external and objective as compared to its internal and subjective counterpart "UPE of action". It is the core reservoir of all energy as the External Total Energy presence of Heavenly Parents modelled Scientifically as Cosmic Water. As stated earlier UPE has dual Characteristics (DC)....

Scientific Godism's Definition of Dark Energy and Dark Matter

The Darkness as Cosmic Water Energy:  Scientific Godism refers to Darkness as an invisible fluid-like substance representing God's energy presence at diverse "States-of-Being God". Our research shows there are seven such states with the eight state (figure-8) representing the eternal Ground State- of-Being God. This ground state is what Science refers to as the Quantum Realm of reality. It is also called the Cosmic Event Horizon of everything. Scientific Godism refers  to this realm as the   Equilibrium Ozone Realm of Uncertainty (E-Ozone) . We symbolized it as a dual morbius strip like Ring where the inner and outer side are modelled as equal and the same. We believe this the neutrino particle is this shell energy which entangles the Heaven (+H) and Earth (-H) as one and the same as Energy and Matter.  Thus, according to the Science of Godism darkness  is the source of MASS in all reality. The Physical Realm as EARTH 🌎 (M) is coupled /entangled to a S...

Scientific Godism's Definition of Divine Light as UPE of action:

Scientific Godism's definition of DIVINE LIGHT as "UPE of action": UPE of action (Light Divine) " is an acronym meaning " U niversal P rime E nergy" of motion/action. This is the pre-existing state of all reality as pure energy. This energy is internal and subjective as compared to being external and objective. It is the core reservoir of all energy as Inner Total Energy of existence. Using the new standard model of Scientific Godism this prime energy exist as the Holy Spirit Presence of GOD our Heavenly Parents.  UPE has dual Characteristics... meaning an internal aspect and a external aspect. The internal aspect is called "energy of the Godhead". It represents the energy presence of God as the Holy Spirit  prior to creation or as the Thinking State in contrast to the Being State . Once activated the Godhead energy is called Divine Consciousness in action... meaning God is thinking as in the Holy Spirit presence of our Heavenly Parents. Prior...

Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa

I. Prelude : Date : Sept 6, 2020 (9-6-2020) or July 17 0008 according to CIG calendar Updated October 27, 2021 Title : Liberia: A Nation of Destiny for Africa Author : God's Boy Child Research Institute : True L.I.G.H.T. Institute (The True L ove I nstitute of G odism's H eavenly T echnology ) IA.  Post note :  Wake up Liberia the Bridegroom has come!? Please read this completely to the end... for evidence... check biblical references, for example: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Mt 6:33 IB. Completed Testament Age HDH Reading: I thought of you when I read this quote from "Cheon Seong Gyeong: The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk" by Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han Moon, The Committee for the Compilation of True Parents' Teachings - "When the Messiah comes to the people of Israel, if they unite with him with the determination to die for him and together with him, then Satan ca...

My Personal Call as God's Boy Child for a Global Protest against humanity's ignorance of True Parents.

I. Prelude: Title:  Humanity on the Verge of a Second Death With God in Our Mist as True Parents. Author: God's Boy Child Research Institute: True L.I.G.H.T. Institute: True L ove I nstitute of G odism's H eavenly T echnology  Date: updated October 19, 2021 II. Abstract : In this article I simply wish to protest against humanity's ignorance of the living presence of True Parents in our mist as the Lord God and His Lamb, the Second Coming of Christ. This same ignorance cause the unjust murder of Lord Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. Lord Jesus at that time was the WORD made FLESH (John 1:14) representing God the Father as the Son, seeking His Bride through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Mt 22:1-14). Regrettably the religious community as the 1st Israelite, choose at that TIME TO MURDERED HIM, while showing mercy to a  known thief... with the global Citizens of Rome looked on without PROTEST!  So as I heard of a modern global protest against the injustice of a know...

Perception .vs. Knowing: Which Come First?

I.Introduction: Science is a study of reality through the process of observation and expermentation leading to the expression of reality from a lawfull or theoretical bases. So this process starts with observation which in actuality is sensory perception. Thus the scientific method agrees that perception comes before knowing. So if knowing is a resultant process then my question is "can science help us to know GOD?". Scientific Godism as a New Theory of Everything says..."yes!", and is dedicated to using the scientific research method to provide preponderance of evidence of God's  existence as our Heavenly Parents in whose image we exist as male and female beings. II. Introducing Sun and Moon particles : Recently scientists realised the existence of a Higgs energy field which via some yet unknown process allows "conceptual point particles" to acquire mass as substantial reality. What they have not come to realize is that this process of acquiring m...

A repeat of my remembrances of True Father 2019

Today is the 6th year since the Ascension of my True Father, the Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon. As I reflect on this day I am reminded of Adam & Eve the 1st Son & Daughter of God who were made on the 6th Day of creation in the image of God. They were destined to be the 1st True Parents representing the physical presence of God on earth. Had they not fallen, they were to take dominion by the 8th period, thus Heavenly Parents rested on the 7th. Due to their fall the Dominion of Evil (DOE) took control of the earth with the rise of Religion in search of a new Adam and Eve in the flesh. Lord Jesus was to be the Last Adam (I Cor. 15:45) in search of a new Eve, instead He bore the Cross due to the faithlessness of the chosen people. Today in the 7th Millennium of human history and the 21st century, we finally have a Victorious Adam & Eve in Earth as our True Parents, so Heavenly Parents can now rent in this 7th period for eternity as we the 4th Adamic Race of faithful believers prepare...