True Love Family Foundation

The True Love Family Foundation for Peace and Development in Africa Inc. is a private non-profit foundation dedicated to understanding & resolving the African dilemma of wealth without development.

Most references on this blog are from the Holy Bible, the Holy Koran, the Divine Principle and various open sources on the Internet. We apologize for not providing a more detail reference section. Most of the ideas on this blog are based on spiritual inspiration and mouth to mouth discussion with key individuals. A few key books have been used as other references.

As Liberia strives to rise again from the ashes of self-destruction the Foundation seeks to assist that process by providing a new spiritual perspective of what we can become as a nation build on spiritual principles of freedom, liberty and justice for all. Please feel free to use the content of all of our booklets and books in search of true liberation and peace in our beloved motherland of Africa. Of course we request that you reference the source of what you use.   


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