Scientific Godism's Definition of Dark Energy and Dark Matter

The Darkness as Cosmic Water Energy:

 Scientific Godism refers to Darkness as an invisible fluid-like substance representing God's energy presence at diverse "States-of-Being God". Our research shows there are seven such states with the eight state (figure-8) representing the eternal Ground State- of-Being God. This ground state is what Science refers to as the Quantum Realm of reality. It is also called the Cosmic Event Horizon of everything. Scientific Godism refers  to this realm as the  Equilibrium Ozone Realm of Uncertainty (E-Ozone). We symbolized it as a dual morbius strip like Ring where the inner and outer side are modelled as equal and the same. We believe this the neutrino particle is this shell energy which entangles the Heaven (+H) and Earth (-H) as one and the same as Energy and Matter.

 Thus, according to the Science of Godism darkness  is the source of MASS in all reality. The Physical Realm as EARTH 🌎 (M) is coupled /entangled to a Spiritual Realm as HEAVEN (E). Einstein's Famous Energy equation testifies to this [E = GMc²]. The coupling constant is the speed of corollation c², while the entanglement constant is the gamna function gauged from Quantum Gravity to Cosmic Gravity. 

Scientific  Godism models this coupling and entanglement  as a fluid-like substance composed of infinite-like micro black-holes, structured like water molecules (-H--O--H+). The fluid-like substance itself is Bosonic while the molecules or particle substance suspended in the fluid is Fermionic. When activated this substance flows like water through a pipe or as electricity through a network.

Prior to this " State-of-Being" as "a river of the water of life", we can consider God's Absolute presence as simply existing behind or above the veil of darkness as Divine Light linked to Paradise Isle. Using the 4PFS as our standard model of Physics, the Science of Godism refers to Darkness as a scroll, shroud or veil/firmement separating the Physical and Spiritual Universe. Our Grand Unification Theory (G.U.T.) sees all 7 TOTAL REALMS OF REALITY (as EVERYTHING) co-existing between two infinite Universes called HEAVEN and EARTH (see fig 1) like a hypersphere, with HEAVEN-UP represented as a gigantic  WHITE-HOLE and EARTH -DOWN represented as a gigantic BLACK-HOLE below, with all COSMIC REALITY gauged as the EVENT HORIZON surface area between UP and DOWN in an E-Ozone of Uncertainty. The best mathematically model of this situation is the Rieman Zeta Function and the Gamma Function.


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