The Preface to Scientific Godism: A New Theory of Everything as One

A Quote from the Bible:

Rom 1:20-32: "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. being understood by the things that as made,even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..."

My conceptual view of God. Adam was made in the masculine image of God. Remember Eve was originally within Adam as the feminie nature of God was within him as LOVE.

The Preface to Scientific Godism: A New Theory of Everything as One:

This book "Scientific Godism: A New Theory of Everything" is part of the fruit of my life long search to understand the question: why Africa, one of the riches continents on the planet, has been relegated to a perpetual state of conflict, culminating into our 21st century position of rampant disease, ignorance and poverty? I call this final state the D.I.P.-state of human existence. Though I was trained as an Electrical Engineer, after my country when through a 27-year period of useless civil conflicts, I choice the path of religion in search of my answers. At times I challenge God to talk to me or forever hold his peace.

In 1979 while working towards my doctorate degree at Northeastern University, I meet the Unification Movement. It was interesting how this happened. During that year I had meet many missionaries from the Unification Church in Boston, but I rejected them because of the bad press the group had received in the Boston community. Their strategy to win new members was coined as "Brainwashing" on the news and they were considered to be a cult. Obviously I didn't want to have anything to do with such a group. But as I challenged God for new truth through prayer and meditation strange things happened. I even did a three day fast and told God “I want new truth, and if you didn’t talk to me after this fast, then you could very well forget about me as a Christian”. Clearly I was disillusioned with my faith, but my challenge was answered through the teaching of Godism. Over a 33-year period (1979 to 2012), led by prayers and the spirit of Lord Jesus Christ, I came to know the true but painful story of God himself and who Rev Dr. & Mrs. Moon were, relative to God’s search for a tabernacle through whom He could manifest his physical presence on earth (Rev 21:1-5). I came to know Rev Dr. & Mrs Moon as the True Parents of heaven, earth and humankind. This awakening came about through a life of suffering and great sacrifice to my family, nation and continent, but I felt that God was personally answering my question about Africa by showing me his side of the story, thus I learned to see Godism as the study of God’s viewpoint about love, life and lineage.

With my new personal awakening and concern for Africa, I came to understand that the future of Africa required a new view of GOD beyond just faith and evangelism as practiced by traditional religions. Most Africans are spiritual people who love “GOD” via many spiritual paths, but with our history as the root of modern civilization, I began to wonder, did we not love God enough, why are we still in the bottom billion of human society? I came to realize that this sad state of suffering was linked to our soft heart and ignorance of God’s true heart as our Parents. We love God but are ignorant of who "God" is and what our responsibility is as children of God. There is a saying in Africa: “the White-man brought us the bible and took everything else”[1]. But the truth is, even after our liberation from slavery, our democratically elected leaders continued the traditions of their former slave masters, again (in my opinion) because of the ignorance of the masses[2] and their own inner ignorance of God’s heart.

So, through my years of searching for the truth about Africa, I came to realize our ignorance of God’s heart and will is the true cause of all human suffering. This ignorance has kept us in the dark about our true responsibility as “children of God”[3]. A simple example of this global ignorance is referred to in the bible as "the Fall of Man"(Gen 3:1-24). This content has the root cause of what alienated Man from God, but it is in a symbolic form... talking about "eating the fruit of a forbidden tree". If their is a deeper esoteric teaching or meaning behind this story it is a secret from the global community, thus it is of no value to resolving global problems...this is what I mean by "our ignorance of God's heart and will is the true cause of all human suffering. There was a time when God and Man communicated naturally (Gen 3:7-11), but after the fall we lost contact with the inner voice, becoming ignorant of God.

Realizing this truth about ignorance, I promised God, after my various physical and spiritual trials and training from 1979 to 1994, I would work to liberate my people in Liberia with the TRUTH of Godism. After trying to fulfill this promise through the religious path…even serving on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Liberia, I realized in 2012 with the passing of Rev Dr. Moon, I had failed in my promise. 

Father Moon’s passing traumatized me more than the 33 years of life in a war-torn nation, because in my heart he was the living presence of GOD on earth. To learn of his death, I immediately felt the impact of Lord Jesus' untimely death on the cross. I then entered a state of deep reflection and meditation seeking to know what I had done wrong and what would be the best way to reconcile our national impasse with conflicts and development. I truly felt responsible for Father Moon's early passing even though he was 93 years old. My only consolation was the book of John 8:23, it said:  “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

I knew the power of Divine Principle as the TRUTH that set me free, yet after 33 years of witnessing to my family and people using GODISM I was surprise to see the poor results in the mist of great victory for traditional religions. So few people could grasp the message of Godism as I had. Was their something different about me? Why could I accept the biblical teachings of God returning in human form (Rev 21:1-5) when others could not? While in my state of reflection I took a job at the William V.S. Tubman University as Dean of College of Engineering. There I came to realize the power of science and technology as a new tool for enlightenment, peace and development for Africa. 

The ideas of this book were conceived from an academic environment. I realized that science is more convincing then religion because it does not require faith [4], but instead relies on logic, mathematics and perceivable evidence from the world around us. I started thinking…”what if I could teach Godism in a way that would naturally reveal the existence and nature of God as our Heavenly Parents?” Gradually I started thinking of STEM education which was becoming popular in the academic community. I started thinking that Godism could be taught via the scientific and engineering design methods.

This blog and its future content is part of my personal ongoing research on the topic of sustainability and renew-ability relative to  energy systems. I hope to use Godism and the law of Conservation of energy to show beyond reasonable doubt that before the Big Bang there was GOD as the singular source of all energy. Most physicists are afraid to admit this, so they continue to search for a theory of everything without God. While I accept this could be theoretically possible, I am also certain it will not provide the hope and purpose we need for eternal life. It is my sincere hope, through Scientific Godism, to empower a future generation of Liberians and African to take the responsibility originally given to Adam and Eve as their modern-day CROSS from Lord Jesus Christ. Together I believe we can collectively build a new Liberia as steping stones to a new Africa and a new world-order centered on Godism.

 While our present corrupt leaders are stuck in the darkness of entropy and decay, I believe centered on Godism a new breed of Africa leaders will find a pathway to sustainable and renewable engineering technology and development in harmony with God’s way of life. Under these new leaders I envision a new era of freedom and abundance opening up to mankind, from a SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL ENERGY perspective; plus, the new-found wisdom (as LIGHT) of GODISM is destined to show us the path to TRUE JUSTICE and LOVE for all.  

As we share, learn and discuss together on this blog please feel free to ponder every thought and to challenge my reasoning. For the beauty of science as compared to religion is the power of the TRUTH (as Light) to remove the darkness (as ignorance) revealing the true fiber of reality as structured divine energy. In this way science does not require faith but only wisdom and understanding, which then opens up the heart to the True Love of God for all of us. Love you all forever.    

[1] My personal expression of a generally accepted truth about the colonization of Africa.

[2] Have you ever wondered why most of the African leaders are complacent with the ignorance of the masses? I believe it is an expression of their own immaturity, their lack of parental heart as leaders. Recent development index shows that over 75% of the nations in Africa are at the bottom of the Human Development Index (HDI):

[3] Mt 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God”.

[4] Of course my faith was nurtured through many spiritual or near death experiences prior to meeting Father and Mother Moon. This made it easy for me to believe the impossible.


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