Chapter 1.3 Why Scientific Godism?

Why Scientific Godism?

Considering my above mentioned awakening, I came to realize that religion as taught and understood today could not save humankind physically from its own self-destruction; yet, it is the only basic gateway we have towards understanding the origin, nature and purpose of human existence relative to the concept of God. My conclusion after much deliberation was, religion needed to be upgraded to a point where we can know about God in the flesh beyond faith[1]. Even the Bible prophesies this happening in the last Days of human history (Rev 20:1-4):

Rev 21:1-3: ”And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” 

After studying the Divine Principle[2] of Father and Mother Moon, coupled with my education as an electrical engineer I realized mankind needed a new scientific view of religion. By scientific I am not talking about Scientology, etc., I am talking about a view of God and Man as ONE[3] and the same; a clear view beyond dispute and beyond religion. I believe when this true view of God and Man is revealed and understood, we will no longer need religion to guide us towards peaceful co-existence; instead, the family of humankind will naturally wake up from its current state of dual ignorance[4] and become the extended family of God through the ideal and power of True Love.

[1] Historically religions and science have never been able to reconcile their difference. Religion requires faith as the gateway to knowing God; while science seeks to know reality by a systematic process of observations, experimentation and logical conclusions.

[2] The Principle speaks clearly about this matter in its introduction p.3,4. It presents a dual pathway to resolve mankind’s spiritual and physical ignorance.

[3] This will later explain why we have never been able to see GOD, we are ONE and the same with GOD, of course not literally equal but like billions of cells in ONE BODY. Father Moon once used the interesting analogy of why we don’t smell our own pupu when we use the toilet, while the person after us does. He concluded it is because it is one with us and thus too close to what we are. Our physical senses are made to function only within a specific bandwidth of energy frequencies, above or below that specific range we notice nothing! In this way nothingness is simply reality outside our range of perception.

[4] We are spiritually ignorant regarding our true origin as human beings and we are physically ignorant about the true nature of the world we live in; thus we have dual ignorance. Godism is the exact two-edge sword mentioned in the Book of Revelation chapter 1, verse 16 as that which proceeds from the mouth of “the ONE”, representing Lord Jesus as the image of GOD the Father (Rev 1:13,16).


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