Dedication of SG-TOE
This blog is foremost dedicated to our True Parents, Their
Excellencies Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon & Hak-Ja Han-Moon, and secondly to the
million plus youth worldwide referred to as “the second generation” of God’s
family on earth. As Father Moon ascended in 2012 he left all members with one
core message: “Unite with your Mother and return to me”. The period from 2012
to 2015 was traumatic for our worldwide Unification Movement, it literally
split our movement into three parts; yet with such a distraction Mother Moon
continued to show us the true meaning of being “the only begotten daughter of
God”. She did so by embracing excruciating pain with God’s Love. Through her example I realized the value of
true parental love as the healing balm for world peace and unification.
With this heart of love for our True Mother I conceived of this research project. Thus,
with scientific Godism I wish to awaken the second generation as shining stars
that are destined to take away the darkness from Africa and other nations under the yoke
of rampant disease, ignorance and poverty in
the mist of abundance. The modern-day churches in Africa preach abundance
without understanding the power of True Love as the source of real heavenly
abundance. The miracle of Lord Jesus feeding the multitude with 12 loafs of
bread was linked to this True Love Power. I believe through His example, He
touched the hearts of those around him to live for the sake of others; thus by
the end of the day, they had more than enough bread to feed the community.
Father and Mother Moon have made this "True Love Way" education of "living for the sake of others" the core of Godism,
so my family and I organized the True
Love Family Foundation for Peace & Development in Africa to pioneer the
teaching of Scientific Godism here in Africa.
We hope to make it our purpose to
research the problems linked to Peace & Development in Africa relative to the
spiritual expectation of Heaven for all humankind. By purchasing and reading our literature or donating to our cause, you become part of the solution for peace and development in Africa. With this future hope we also dedicate our research to you our donors and readers. Let us form a global partnership or a True Love Family Circle to awaken all humankind to the value of the True
Families as the root of GODISM. Clearly True Families are the seeds needed for
the establishment of God’s sovereignty of lasting peace on earth. Love you all
forever and thank you again True Parents for opening the gateway to Heaven on Earth.
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